Football players often wear headphones or walk to the locker room with them on before the game. Why do they wear headphones and does it have any advantages?
Football players wear headphones before games to avoid any disturbances or distractions before a game. This may include rude or noisy fans in the stands. The headphones football players wear thick noise-canceling headphones that are worn over the head.
This article will show you why football players wear headphones and how you can choose headphones for your pregame routine.
Headphones For Football Players
Comfort and noise-canceling are the two most important features of a headphone for a football player. This allows a player to get in the right position mentally before a big game.
Over the years, standard iPhone white earbuds have been seen on every yellow bus traveling to an away game. These headphones come standard with most phones. However, they’re not ideal for canceling noise.
Over-the-head earphones have become standard due to the popularity of Beats By Dre.
Headphones worn overhead often provide the most comfort and support for the activity. An example is the Bose headphones that NFL players commonly wear.
Although rather expensive, the one-time investment may be worth capturing good sound quality, noise cancellation, and, more importantly, comfort.
Why Football Players Wear Headphones
Football players often have 1-2 hours before a football game to prepare mentally. Many of them choose to listen to music through noise-canceling headphones.
We will look at the important factors in choosing which headphones to buy.
The more expensive the headphones, the better the sound quality.
The market is more saturated with companies; prices have dropped to be affordable for all players. This allows smaller companies ( for example, Skull Candy) to be more relevant to players who don’t have $100+ to spend on headphones.
Style of Headphone
Headphones are strictly better than earbuds for sound quality because they cover your entire ear and maximize efficiency.
However, we are seeing a shift in more expensive earbuds (such as Beats earbuds), which provide better sound quality – just not as good as earphones.
Noise Cancellation
Noise cancellation is when your headphones or earbuds block out distracting sounds that can disrupt your listening experience.
This is a major factor in determining which headphones to spend your money on.
Noise-canceling shuts down the outside noise and lets you focus on the music. As mentioned, because earbuds don’t cover the whole ear, you may still be able to hear teammates, music playing over the loudspeaker, or fans yelling.
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Headphones That Football Players Wear
Using all three factors above, we’ve gathered these headphones to help you make the best decision.
We’ve factored in the headphones’ pricing, sound, and style to help you make the best buying decision. We caution that some of these headphones are expensive, so make sure you have a carrying case or protective hard-casing to have these headphones last you the whole season.
Beats By Dre
Our first headphones are the popular Beats. The picture featured above is the wired version, which is selling on Amazon for an affordable price.
These beats do a great job of covering the entire ear and limiting outside distractions. The music is crystal clear and can help you stay focused on what matters, and that’s the game.
If you’re looking for an improved, studio-quality wireless version – it can be found on Amazon for around $350; however, it may not be a bad investment at a dramatic price if you’re always using your headphones.
Bose Headphones
As mentioned, Bose dominates the headphone market. It’s the official headphones of the NFL.
Our two picks for these headphones are, once again, wired and wireless. Bose is known for making the best noise-canceling headphones on the market.
The wired version we feature fits all Apple products, which is necessary if all your music is on your phone.
The wireless version is a bit more expensive but in the same range as the Beats headphones. It provides a bigger ear screen for better noise cancellation as well. These headphones also connect to any Bluetooth device.
Skullcandy Headphones
Our cheaper option is the Skullcandy headphones. It’s the same Skullcandy that used to be in the aisles of your favorite store for $20.
They’ve since improved their brand and their style of headphones. The price is no longer $20, as they’ve improved their quality, comfort, and cancellation. We’ve listed two types of wireless headphones that are affordable and stylish!
Headphones play a big part in a football player’s ability to keep focused. A player can let go of all outside distractions, limit the outside noise, and focus on the assignment.
This is the benefit of a football player wearing headphones before the game. They mentally try to prepare themselves to defend or score on the opposition. Especially when football is a contact sport, the players must be mentally ready to endure a small amount of physical pain as they will be tackled or made contact with.
Football players often use music to stay focused and hype up for the game to maximize efforts.
Which headphones do you use? What’s your favorite style or brand? In the comment section below, let us know what kind of headphones you use before a football game.