Baseball players can be seen wearing one gold chain or multiple gold chains that hang out of their jerseys. Why do baseball players wear chains outside of their jerseys?
Baseball players wear chains because it makes them look better. They also wear chains for religious and superstitious reasons. Players often have a gold cross on the end of the chain or multiple chains.
In this article, we’ll examine why players wear chains and why they’re always hanging out of their jerseys.
Why Pro Baseball Players Wear Chains
Manny Ramirez, possibly one of the most famous baseball players to wear gold chains, could be seen at any point in the game having 3-5 gold chains hanging out of his jersey.
Present-day players, such as Mookie Betts, can also be seen wearing gold chains whenever he’s rounding the bases after hitting a home run.
These players wear gold chains for a few reasons. Let’s find out!
Stylish Look
Baseball players who have pricey contracts can afford expensive jewelry. Baseball players will often buy expensive chains and jewelry that way to show it off to the public. Once a player gets an extra-base hit or hits a home run, their gold chain is often bouncing around their neck.
This is the main reason why baseball players will have their top button on the jersey undone, with multiple gold chains hanging out of their shirts. It allows players to show off their collections of chains.

There are mainly two types of chains that baseball players wear.
A simple gold chain that looks similar to the one that Mookie Betts is wearing above. It’s a thick, interwoven design that oftentimes is worn outside of the shirt. This is the most common type of chain that is worn by baseball players.

One hindrance to the gold chain is how thick it is. It can get in the way of the baseball player’s field of vision, especially players who play the outfield and must run full speed to chase down a fly ball.
Although it may look stylish, it can distract players who don’t want to tuck it in their shirts.
The second type of chain, commonly worn around the MLB, is the gold cross, which brings us to our second variant of wearing a gold chain.
Wearing A Chain For Religious Reasons
Baseball players can often wear a gold chain with a cross for religious reasons.
Players will often do the same thing before every game, the same routine before they hit the batter’s box and kiss the same chain before they take the field.
Religion plays a major part in sports. Players who are extremely rooted in their faith will wear a gold chain with a cross attached. This, of course, symbolizes the cross that Jesus died on.

Depending on the player’s faith, one or multiple crosses will be worn to symbolize their faith. This chain is typically smaller and weighs less than the traditional chain we mentioned above.
However, players must be cautious if they wear a cross on their neck. Baseball is a sport where infielders (sometimes outfielders) dive on their stomachs to field a ball. Having a large chain with a cross on it could poke into the player’s neck when trying to dive for a baseball.
What Kind Of Chains Do Baseball Players Wear?
The MLB players’ chains are often custom-made by jewelers and have a high price tag. If you have the money to spend, we recommend visiting your local jewelry store and seeing what they can make for you.
If you’re looking for a quick solution that’s not too expensive but will do the job as far as “showing off” a gold chain, we found a few low-priced options on Amazon that can help you sport the look.
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Gold Rope Chain

The first chain is the gold rope chain.
This is the gold chain your professional athletes often sported, only 1/10 of the cost. At $250, it’s still a nice chain to wear and can be something to be proud of while wearing.
Gold Plated Chain

Second, if you’re looking for a simple solution to having a $30 chain hang out of your baseball uniform, this chain will be perfect. It’s extremely lightweight and won’t be distracting as you’re rounding the bases.
Gold Chain With Cross

Last, if you’re searching for a gold chain with a cross on it, we’ve found this chain for a reasonable price. A simple, high-quality gold chain with a cross can be worn proudly or tucked into the shirt.
If you’re looking for a simpler solution, visit a jewelry store in your town. They will surely have a line of jewelry that you can buy relatively cheaply and within your budget. Gold chains and even silver chains are what baseball players commonly wear.
Players that wear chains around their necks are often for stylish or religious reasons. Players like David Ortiz can be seen kissing the cross worn on his neck, hoping that good luck would come from it.
Baseball is a superstitious sport in the sense that players will often do the same routine every time they’re up to bat and every time they take the field.
These gold chains are often a part of that process and allow players to play more confidently, knowing they have their chains on. Players are seen kissing the chain before they player step up to bat or simply knowing they have it around their neck; gold chains play a big part in baseball.
These gold chains can be purchased online or at your local jewelry shop. We recommend checking with your league before purchasing a chain. Some leagues may not require any jewelry to be worn at all.